School Organisation

CERN Organising Committee

Paolo Durante (CERN-LHCb)
Markus Joos (CERN-ATLAS)
Hannes Sakulin (CERN-CMS)
Barthelemy von Haller (CERN-ALICE)

Local Organising Committee

Each year, the School takes place at a university or institute that is involved in TDAQ and the CERN Organising Committee is complemented by a Local Organising Committee from that institution.

Topics covered

Students are encouraged to look at the agenda of the most recent school to familiarize with its topics.

Application and Selection Procedure

Since its first edition in 2010 ISOTDAQ has been oversubscribed.

We have to limit the number of places to 56 in order allow the students to do the practical exercises in reasonably small groups and to be able to ask questions at the end of the lectures.

It is our intention to attribute the available places predominantly to students that are already involved in TDAQ projects or want to do so in the near future. The applications will be evaluated by the organizing committees and accepted students will be notified 8-10 weeks before the start of the school. Students that are rejected one year are encouraged to re-apply the following year.